March Madness with Pastels (and a possible future field trip!)
Guess what?!? March has quickly approached and I can hardly believe it. All at once I'm nervous and excited, eager and anxious to get started. It's form of creativity is learning how to use pastels . I chose pastels as a medium for a few good reasons. Firstly, I have selected a mentor who works in that medium to help me learn a few techniques and tricks along the way. Secondly, they are easier to maneuver than paints or water colours and hopefully less mess to clean up. Still. Yikes! Although this was my chosen medium as with any of these experiments and experiences it's still new. So to prepare for the iminient month of March I've been amping up and doing some experimenting on my own. With supplies at hand I've been trying different abstract shapes and idea, shading, blending and smudging, rubbing, grunting and learning. This is a messy craft! Which has helped me know how to plan out March when it arrives- as I write this it's a day away-. "The Spark...