March's Plan for Learning Pastels
A More Comprehension Observation and Plan on How I'm Tackling It:
Well guys, earlier on I mentioned that I'd come up with a loose plan to make March successful and one part was continuing to be open during this process of learning and experimenting with a new medium, much like I've been for baking and knitting. Although this time around I'm more prepared, with two months behind me of this challenge and entering into a third everything has been turning out great- I haven't given up yet, all baking has turned out delicious, the knitting has come along (I continue to learn and learned so much from this experience) and have even embraced imperfection. I still try my best but don't get too discouraged if it doesn't always turn out perfectly, I'm happy just to finish it or learn from it.
The Plan:
Step 2: When I'm good and ready I'll graduate to putting more specific techniques to pictures and learning how to make shapes- properly-. For this I'll get some help from a family mentor (my grandmother) who has worked with pastels longer than me and is a wonderful Aurora Borealis and sunset artist. Although one favourite piece of hers is of a cardinal, her confidence in Aurora Borealises and sunsets has grown tremendously and it shows in her work. Hopefully sometimes this month I can fit in a couple lessons with her as this endeavour progresses to apply to future pieces. All while doing a bit of experimenting on my own and trying my best to incorporate the new techniques I've learned into my art.
Step 3: To wrap up this experience, and month I'm planning to make a pilgrimage back to the McMichael Art Gallery. It's a significant place for my mentor who loves the Group of Sevens work, as well as a special place for me. This is where I first got introduced to water colour pastels and some techniques. Although that experience was an interesting one and wasn't a great confidence booster. Perhaps then I wasn't as open to learning as I am now.
*Think of it as a reward, inspiration and fun thing to do. Honouring some great Canadian artists for sticking with my art and challenge. I'm definitely looking forward to this experience. to do a trek to McMichael Art Gallery in Kleinberg to see the Group of Seven exhibit.
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