March's Plan for Learning Pastels
A More Comprehension Observation and Plan on How I'm Tackling It:
Well guys, earlier on I mentioned that I'd come up with a loose plan to make March successful and one part was continuing to be open during this process of learning and experimenting with a new medium, much like I've been for baking and knitting. Although this time around I'm more prepared, with two months behind me of this challenge and entering into a third everything has been turning out great- I haven't given up yet, all baking has turned out delicious, the knitting has come along (I continue to learn and learned so much from this experience) and have even embraced imperfection. I still try my best but don't get too discouraged if it doesn't always turn out perfectly, I'm happy just to finish it or learn from it.
The Plan:
Step 1 (paired with above): Pre-entering February I've been testing out my pastel prowess, doing different shapes and sizes, concepts and techniques. Just to see really how intimidating it is and become comfortable enough to commit to the challenge once March arrived. Some of my earlier attempts were modest but through experience my skills and comfortable level has slowly began to progress. To further build on what I've started, the first little while I'm going to continue playing around with pastels, getting comfortable with them enough to try using good pastel paper. That's the goal to feel good enough taking my early attempts or work onto good paper. Essentially standing behind what I've created for a change. Why: Practicing like this takes pressure off worrying about re-creating a picture (in which it's easy to compare appearance? with, and we all know the saying: "Comparsion is the thief of joy and killer of creating. Also it would be good way of progressing towards myself as pastel artist. Think of this as getting my pastel arms before heading into the bigger experiences.
Step 2: When I'm good and ready I'll graduate to putting more specific techniques to pictures and learning how to make shapes- properly-. For this I'll get some help from a family mentor (my grandmother) who has worked with pastels longer than me and is a wonderful Aurora Borealis and sunset artist. Although one favourite piece of hers is of a cardinal, her confidence in Aurora Borealises and sunsets has grown tremendously and it shows in her work. Hopefully sometimes this month I can fit in a couple lessons with her as this endeavour progresses to apply to future pieces. All while doing a bit of experimenting on my own and trying my best to incorporate the new techniques I've learned into my art.
Step 3: To wrap up this experience, and month I'm planning to make a pilgrimage back to the McMichael Art Gallery. It's a significant place for my mentor who loves the Group of Sevens work, as well as a special place for me. This is where I first got introduced to water colour pastels and some techniques. Although that experience was an interesting one and wasn't a great confidence booster. Perhaps then I wasn't as open to learning as I am now.
*Think of it as a reward, inspiration and fun thing to do. Honouring some great Canadian artists for sticking with my art and challenge. I'm definitely looking forward to this experience. to do a trek to McMichael Art Gallery in Kleinberg to see the Group of Seven exhibit.
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